
Primary Evacuation Routes & Reception Center

Directions to Reception Center

Interstate 29 to Exit 110, Rock Port. Turn onto U.S. Highway 136 (east). Follow U.S. 136 to Highway 71.
Turn right onto Highway 71 and proceed south to Maryville, 18 miles. Turn right on Icon Road (look for
Northwest Missouri State University directional sign) and proceed south approximately 2 miles to campus.
Turn left onto College Avenue.

Zone 1 Evacuation Route

C Avenue north to Hwy 275

Zone 2 Evacuation Route

Hwy BB south to Hwy A East
200th Street East
Hwy 136 East
Hwy U north to Hwy E east to Hwy 111

Zone 3 Evacuation Route

Hwy 111 North

Zone 4 Evacuation Route

Hwy 111 North
270th St. east to Hwy 111
I Avenue north to Hwy Z east
I Avenue north to Hwy Z east to Hwy 111 North